Hero Cup 2013
Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team organizuje tento rok HERO CUP 2013. Do tohoto pohára budú patriť 6 hodinové behy v 7 európskych mestaách. Každý bežec, ktorý sa zúčastní aspoň na troch behoch, bude automaticky zaradený do tejto súťaže. Žiadne špeciálne prihlásenia ani poplatky nie sú potrebné. Do HERO CUP 2013 sú zaradené tieto 6 hodinové behy:
16. marca Nuremberg, Nemecko
24. marca Milan, Taliansko
25. mája Nitra, Slovensko
2. júna Vienna, Rakúsko
8. júna Praha, Česká republika
27. júla Lang-Lebring/Graz, Rakúsko
14. septembra Munich, Nemecko
Každý zabehnutý kilometer sa ráta ako 1 bod. Každý účastník dostane zároveň 20 bodov za účasť. Priebežné výsledky možno sledovať na stránke www.herocup.com. Celkový víťaz v ženskej a mužskej kategórií dostane špeciálnu cenu.
Všetky informácie nájdete na stránke www.herocup.com.
The HERO CUP 2013 is organized by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team to bring together ultra runners from all over Europe who share our love for running, oneness and self-transcendence.
Overall, there will be 7 6 hour races, each one held in one of Europes famous cities. Each single runner who completes at least three races, will automatically be included in the overall ranking.
No additional fee or application for participation are necessary.
List of races:
March 16th Nuremberg, Germany
March 24th Milan, Italy
May 25th Nitra, Slovakia
June 2nd Vienna, Austria
June 8th Praha, Czech Republic
July 27st Lang-Lebring/Graz, Austria
September 14st Munich, Germany
Each kilometer counts for one point. For each participation in a race there will be 20 points extra. You can track your score and your overall placement by going online to www.herocup.com. The OVERALL (highest point score) man and woman winner, will get a special prize.
All the ranking participants are invited to participate to the Grand Prix Awards Celebration, which will take place in Munich.
Medals, certificates and a surprise gift bag with specialties souvenirs from each of the race cities will be presented to all the HERO CUP runners. The overall seven men/women winners will receive a beautiful price.